
Showing posts from December, 2017

Reece Museum

Today, I went to the Reece Museum and I invited a few of my friends to go with me as well, to be honest, I didn’t even know we have a museum on campus. It was freezing outside, we were so glad when we got inside of the museum. The museum looked so cool, I couldn’t help to take a bunch of pictures, I am not going to show all of them because like I said, I took A LOT of pictures. Anyway, here are some of the pictures I took:  It looks like my friends are having some fun there!  the native American Basketry was amazing. We all had a good time at the Reece Museum and I am so glad that i went, my friends are happy that i invited them, they said it was pretty cool to see all of it in the museum. 


Waverly Road Child Care Center is a non-profit 3-star child care center located in Kingsport, Tennessee. I went in one afternoon and the director Ms. Martha had me working in the one-year-old classroom. The lead teacher Ms. Beth has been working there for nearly 30 years and she is such a wonderful teacher, she knows exactly what are the individual needs for each child and I have learned a lot from her. Their afternoon schedule is fairly simple, they would finish eating lunch around 12:15, then free play for a little bit of time while the teacher changing their diapers, the children typically take a nap around 12:45-2:45, then they got to do probably one of their favorite thing--eating snack! After that, another round of diaper changing, time was close to 4 by then, there was an fun activity before outside time! They absolutely enjoyed both the activity and the playground time. I had such a blast with the kids.